“I went to Dr. Thoma for a torn groin muscle, misaligned hips, and asymmetrical muscle balance. I had the groin injury for 2 months and misaligned hips and muscle asymmetry for years. I had multiple doctors’ appointments and preformed rehab for 3-5 days a week with school athletic trainers. These appointments and rehab yielded minimal results in regards to my groin tear. My athletic ability drastically improved working with Dr. Thoma. My straight line speed and lateral quickness improved notably from a combine (NFL prospect assessment) testing standpoint. I also received results in my ability to flip and open my hips doing defensive back drills. The overall strength and body mobility I gained with Dr. Thoma was crucial for me to perform and be successful at the Big Ten level. I am now able to open my hips with fluidity, transition in and out of my breaks quicker, cover more ground with better top end speed, and I have improved my joint mobility through use of his protocols. I have also noticed that I sleep better. As I said above, Dr. Thoma gave me protocols to improve my joint mobility and overall body flexibility. He also gave me offseason workouts to improve my posterior chain strength and exercises to maintain critical muscle strength in my shoulders, legs, and neck during the grind of a Big Ten football season. My results from working with Dr. Thoma were fast! I always had a strong work ethic when it came to my health and training for football, but Dr. Thoma’s training and treatment got me the results I desired faster. The man knows what he is talking about. Not only does Dr. Thoma know everything about what he is talking about down to a science, he has the ability to relate to you and break down all the scientific medical jargon to terms that you can understand simply and are rational to think about as you approach his workouts/rehab/treatment. Dr. Thoma is also extremely motivated and without a doubt that rubs off on all who come across him. On top of keeping me healthy, he motivates and pushes me to be the best I can be. I get my best results when I work with Dr. Thoma. So if you want results, Dr. Thoma is the person to see.”
– Brian P., NFL, Minnesota Vikings
2011 All-Big Ten,
2011 Big Ten Interception Leader
“My goal is to qualify for the Olympic Trials in the Marathon. Over the past 4 years I literally have given everything to chase this dream. I will stop at nothing. 4 am wake-up calls, 100 mile weeks, tight diet, early nights, endless strength work are all routine for me- – part of my lifestyle – use to the grind – but when injury happens -and it does – it’s part of the sport – it no longer becomes how HARD you work – it becomes about getting the BEST team you can together – its about how SMART you work. If you are reading this you have been there – or are there – -you feel hopeless, empty and at a dead end – – will you ever compete again? Dr. Thoma ( I call him Dr. J) 🙂 became my hope, my right hand man, and single handedly got me back. I am not going to lie it was not an overnight fix, it was not all peaches and roses -he saw all my ups and downs, and he saw me at my lowest point. But he stuck with it and was devote on the path back. He intervened in my diet, my strength work, my training, my recovery. He knew the WHOLE picture and insisted to be involved in the whole picture. This gave me and my coach confidence he was vested and knew what to do – my coach literally gave him the reigns to make the calls on training for awhile. He did NOT provide a band aid solution, he went right to the root cause, and also worked on all factors influencing healing (diet, environment, mental game, etc). Crossing the line in 2:43 is everything to me. It is the reason I go to bed at night and wake up in the morning. Dr. J was the only doctor who got that – there is no one CLOSE to him – I have seen many. If you are truly an athlete, you have a definitive goal, and you are committed, you would be silly not to see him. When I cross the line, I am going to do it in part to thank him. Do not look any further, buckle up for the ride and this guy will get you back – better than ever.”
– Carrie B., Olympic Trials Athlete, Marathon
“When I first went to Dr. Thoma, I had pain in my lower back that would come and go. When the pain was there it was terrible. I could only get comfortable lying on my back. Now that I’ve been under care at Infinity Spine Center, the quality of my life is so much better. I’m maintaining treatment and my back feels brand new and I’m pain free now!!! I’ve had this problem for many, many years and took lots of Advil for the pain. Now that I am back to normal I am able to exercise everyday at 5:45 AM 4 days a week and I play with my kids without feeling like an old man like I did before. I’m like a new person! I can pretty much do anything now that my back is better. The staff at Infinity Spine Center is amazing. From the moment you walk in you feel like you’re the most important person in the world. They are truly there to serve you and look out for your interest. I recommend anybody I know to Infinity Spine Center and Dr. Thoma because it’s hard to find someone that can give you the kind of service that I receive there. There is never any hurry to rush you out and it’s all about the patient. They gave me my life back! Thank you!”
-Robbie S., Tempe, AZ
“I suffered low back pain and knee soreness for 10 years, which included multiple medical doctors and Chiropractors. I had surgery for a disk herniation at L4/L5, took pain medications (Percocet and Vicadin), and had multiple epidural steroid shots. Before coming to see Dr. Thoma I spent close to $30,000 for previous treatments. Instead of groaning as I am getting out of bed, I am able to jump out of bed, as well as sit for longer periods of time without discomfort. I can bend over, walk, and sleep better than I have for a long time. I have also noticed that I have less tension and anxiety during stressful times. Dr. Thoma is very professional. I feel better and more positive under his care.”
– Mike G., Phoenix, AZ
“I first went to Dr. Thoma for neck pain that I had for 5 years and knee pain that has been bothering me for over 10 years. My knee pain was a result of a soccer injury in which I have had $80,000 of surgery. Since being under Dr. Thoma’s care, I can finally move my neck comfortably and my range of motion is much better. I workout daily and since being under his care I am stronger and able to lift without pain. Today I did 135 pounds on deadlift for 7 reps of 7 sets with ease! I also sleep better, feel more relaxed overall, able to concentrate in school for longer periods of time, and less emotionally stressed. I couldn’t find a better person for unique and specific care.”
– Whitney F., Atlanta, GA
“For several years I had constant neck stiffness with occasional pain and sometimes I had vertigo. I also had high blood pressure and regularly felt like my thinking was foggy. I went to multiple doctors, been put on antihistamines, taken ibuprofen and nothing helped. Not only did I waste a lot of money, I wasted 100’s of hours due to the inability to focus. Now I can focus on my family, work, and life. This care gave me my life back! I can exercise much better and my sleep quality is dramatically better. Dr. Thoma was very patient, professional, and gentle with my care. The thing I most appreciate is I am feeling good again and I am able to focus on my family. His care is so unique and you MUST SEE Dr. Thoma!”
– Mark J., Atlanta, GA